Since 2014, the Clean Company Act has made the adoption of compliance programs a necessity in the corporate landscape of Brazil. Any organizations involved in scandals suffer serious consequences, not just to their reputation and even market value, but also in terms of financial and business losses.
In order to adjust to this new reality and ensure businesses are more robust, companies have been seeking specialized advice to prevent, identify, interrupt and remedy irregularities and fraud.
Our firm uses a multidisciplinary, integrated and strategic approach to help companies structure their compliance programs to include best integrity and corporate governance practices, while covering regulation of the environment, contracts, conflicts of interests, information safety and complying with anticorruption, public contracting and antitrust legislation.
We map out the possible risks our clients may face and, together with them, develop business models and structures, internal rules and procedures that enable them to achieve their strategic objectives and minimize risks.
Our experience covers:
- Preparation, implementation and monitoring of compliance and corporate integrity programs tailored to each client’s profile and specific risks they face, while taking into account the relevant legislation.
- Preparation and implementation of codes of conduct, policies and procedures for the prevention of bribery, corruption and fraud, as well as compliance monitoring for participation in public tenders and procurement or relationships with government authorities.
- Structuring and monitoring of governance policies, human resources and investor relations, tailored to the legal anticorruption requirements specific to each client.
- Implementation of communication, training and internal control programs in general, as well as specifically for accounting books and records.
- Assistance in submission for registration as a Pro-Ethics Company conferred by the Ministry of Transparency and Federal Inspector General Office.
- Carrying out risk analyses and compliance audits, including background checks on suppliers and third parties.
- Advising on the structuring of corporate operations and contracts to minimize risks related to anticorruption legislation in Brazil.