Our practice focuses on personalized legal advice on the most diverse family and succession issues, always seeking prevention and solution, both judicially and extrajudicially.

We advise on all matters relating to wealth and succession planning, as well as assisting individuals and families with issues related to their assets, businesses, and companies.

From a multidisciplinary perspective, including other practices at the firm such as real estate, corporate and tax, we analyze the entire factual, documentary, and legal context of individuals and families and propose tailored solutions, aiming at the organization, preservation, and perpetuity of family business and wealth over generations, always seeking family stability and the prevention of family disputes.

Our expertise encompasses:

  • Advising on the choice of matrimonial regime in marriages and stable unions, as well as the preparation of prenuptial agreements and deeds of declaration of stable unions, with settlement of the matrimonial regime;
  • Assisting in issues related to inheritance, with recommendations for the preparation of wills, donations (anticipated or not of legitimate, with or without reserved usufruct), partition in life and setting up family holdings;
  • Preparation of notarial minutes or deeds of declaration about any incapacity condition or appointment of a curator;
  • Preparing judicial and extra-judicial probates;
  • Preparing divorces and dissolutions of stable unions, judicially and extrajudicially;
  • Negotiating satisfactory distribution of assets, with the termination of real estate condominium and partnerships between former spouses and heirs, in order to promote asset organization and prevent litigation that may arise from joint ownership of assets;
  • Judicial applications to change the matrimonial regime;
  • Filing interdiction actions and requests for guardianship;
  • Applying for court orders for the sale of properties owned by minors and interdicts;
  • Applying for court orders for subrogation or cancellation of bonds of inalienability, impossibility of levy execution, and incommunicability;
  • Examining the personal or family wealth state of affairs and suggesting alternatives for the adoption of new legal structures, as well as the implementation of structures that generate more efficiency to the assets under all legal aspects, located in Brazil or abroad;
  • Advising on the adoption of certain precautions, prior to the closing of deals or accepting statutory administrative positions;
  • Assisting, alongside our tax practice, in the examination and calculation of taxes levied on the planning structure to be adopted, such as ITCMD, ITBI and IR on capital gains;
  • Analyzing, alongside our corporate practice, the need/convenience of corporate reorganization and adoption of corporate governance practices and the preparation of documents to implement them, including the drafting of Partner Agreements and Family Protocol Agreements.