André is head partner in the Labor Law team, as well as a partner at the Anti-Corruption, Compliance and Internal Investigations and Crisis Management teams at Dias Carneiro Advogados. He is a specialist in consultancy in Labor Law, collective negotiations, internal investigations and judicial and administrative labor claims. He has more than 20 years of experience in assisting clients in various sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, technology, construction, energy, digital platforms, e-sports, professional services, telecommunications and retail.
Author of several articles on labor topics, published in the country and abroad, he is also a speaker and founding member of the Group on Contemporary Labor and Social Security Law, of the University of São Paulo – GETRAB-USP
- Chambers & Partners
- The Legal 500
- Latin Lawyer 250
- LACCA Approved / Thought Leaders
- Leaders League
- Análise Advocacia 500
- Who's Who Legal
- Masters in Labor Law, Universidade de São Paulo - USP
- Specialist in Private Pension, Fundação Getulio Vargas - FGV
- Specialist in International Relations, Universidade de São Paulo - NUPRE/USP
- Graduation in Law, Universidade de São Paulo - USP
Professional Associations
- Brazilian Bar Association
- São Paulo Labor Attorneys Association
- São Paulo Attoneys Association
- Group on Contemporary Labor and Social Security Law, of the University of São Paulo – GETRAB-USP
- “Eighty Years of the CLT and the Social Secirty: Challenges to the Social Law”. In: MANNRICH, Nelson (org). 80 Anos da CLT: Passado, Presente e Futuro das Relações de Trabalho no Brasil. São Paulo: Thoth Editora, 2023.
- ”Slavery and the New Forms of Slavery according to ILO Perspective”, In: MANNRICH, Nelson (org) “Diretrizes da OIT em seu centenário: qual o futuro do Direito do Trabalho?”. Lex Magister/2020
- LACCA Though Leaders Interview. 2021
- Labor Reform: Thoughts and Critics. São Paulo: LTR, 2018.
- “The Labor Law and the preservation of the company in the New Insolvency Law”, in MANNRICH, Nelson; FERNANDES, Reinaldo de Francisco. (Org.). Temas contemporâneos de Direito do Trabalho. 1ª ed. São Paulo, LTr, 2016.
- “World Justice Practice – Rule of Law Index”. Washington: WJP. Rule of Law Index, 2014, 2015, 2016 e 2017-2018.
- “O novo eixo axiológico de interpretação do fenômeno da empresa e a modulação necessária entre o Direito do Trabalho e o Direito Concursal após a Lei 11.101/2005”, in Direito do Trabalho e Direito Empresarial sob o enfoque dos direitos fundamentais. Org. Gustavo Filipe Barbosa Garcia / Rubia Zanotelli de Alvarenga. LTr: São Paulo, 2015.
- “Labor Law in Brazil” in: Brazilian Commercial Law – 1ª e 2ª edições. FAZIO, Silvia (org). Amsterdam:Wolters Kluwer Law, 2015
- “Aspectos Trabalhistas do Contrato de Cessão do Uso de Imagem dos Treinadores de Futebol” in: Direito do Trabalho Desportivo. Homenagem ao Professor Albino Mendes Baptista. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2012.
- Labor Law – A Practical Global Guide (Agusti Jausas – Org.). Londres: Globe Law and Business. 2011