Dias Carneiro Advogados acted as Brazilian counsel to Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation, International Finance Corporation and Japan International Cooperation Agency in the restructuring of the financing of USD 800,000,000 granted to Klabin S.A., the largest paper producer, recycle and exporter in Brazil and one of the leading paper and cellulose companies of the world. The restructuring aims to extend the average and final maturity of the financing.
The proceeds of the financing were directed to the implementation of Project Puma II and especially to support the purchase of equipment to produce the world’s first kraft liner paper 100% from eucalyptus and the achievement of certain ESG metrics to restore the biodiversity in the region of Puma II Project.
Klabin’s in house counsel:
Luciana Leoncini Xavier and Yasmin Gomes Seagull
Klabin’s local counsel:
Mattos Filho Advogados: Bruno Mastriani Simões Tuca (Partner), Flavia Magliozzi (Partner), José Guilherme Malheiros (Associate) and Maria Massi de Brito (Associate).
Klabin’s international counsel:
Clifford Chance: Patrick Jackson (Partner), Andrew Young (Partner) and
Heba Hazzaa (Associate).
IFC’s in house counsel: Jorge Jaramillo
IDB Invest’s in house counsel: Patricia Toledo
Lenders’ local counsel:
Dias Carneiro Advogados: Thiago Vallandro Flores (Partner), Pedro Malvezzi de Araujo (Counsel) and Fernanda Savorelli Melhem (Associate).
Lenders’ international counsel:
Hunton Andrews Kurth: Vera Rechsteiner (Partner), Doris Rodriguez (Counsel), James Channing (Associate) and Yasmina Hammoumi Santaella (Associate).