On March 8th, 2022, the Bill 2058/2021, which alters Law No. 14,151 / 2021, was sanctioned by the Brazilian Presidency, bringing new rules regarding the work of pregnant employees during the New Coronavirus pandemic.
According to the wording of the Bill, pregnant women will be allowed to return to presential work after full immunization against Covid-19, according to the criteria of the Ministry of Health, or in the event of
(i) closure of the public state of health emergency;
(ii) if the pregnant woman refuses to receive immunization against Covid-19, upon presentation of a responsibility term; or
(iii) in case of miscarriage with the receiving of maternity social security benefit during the two weeks of leave, as granted by the Brazilian Consolidation of Labor Laws.
However, the employer may spontaneously maintain the pregnant employee on a telework regime with full remuneration.
We will remain following the issuing of the legislation in this regard, reporting its developments.