Publicado em 03/07/2020

Reminder | Executive Order No. 931 – Deadline for holding shareholders and quotaholders’ meetings

The shareholders and quotaholders of companies which corporate year ended on December 31, 2019 shall have until July 31, 2020 to hold the annual shareholders’ and annual quotaholders’ meeting in order to, among other matters, decide upon the management’s accounts, appoint the company’s administrators, if applicable, and resolve on the company’s results.

The aforementioned deadline has been extended on March 30 of this year, through Executive Order No. 931 (MP 931), in view of the measures adopted by the Ministry of Economy that aimed to minimize the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic to the economic activity.

Said rule introduced by MP 931 applies, without distinction, to (i) publicly and closely-held corporations; (ii) limited liability companies; (iii) public companies and semi-public companies (as well as the subsidiaries thereof); and (iv) cooperative companies and entities of representation thereof.

Dias Carneiro Advogados remains entirely available to clarify any questions and assist with these matters.