Publicado em 06/01/2023

Padre Julio Lancellotti Law, which prohibits “hostile architecture”, is enacted after Congress overturns veto (Law No. 14.489/22)

In December 2022, Law nº 14.489/22 was published, called “Law Padre Júlio Lancelotti”, which amends the City Statute.

Such law has as its main objective to prohibit the so-called “hostile architecture”, which is the use of structures, materials and equipment in buildings with the intention of driving away homeless people, the elderly, young people and other segments of the population from places of public circulation, such as squares, viaducts, sidewalks and gardens.

The project had been object of a presidential veto under the justification that it violated “the freedom of governance of urban policy”, however, afterwards, the veto was overturned by the national congress, based on the understanding that the new law promotes “comfort, shelter, rest, well-being and accessibility in the enjoyment of free spaces for public use, their furniture and their interfaces with spaces for private use”.

Dias Carneiro Advogados is entirely available to provide any clarifications and to assist with this matter.

Click here and learn more about the main changes proposed by Law 14.489/22.